Farm Bill Comparison Table


Prepared by Kent Thiesse, Farm Management Analyst



U.S. House Farm Bill


U.S. Senate Farm Bill

Title I — Commodity Programs


  • 5-year choice between PLC and ARC-CO.
  • Eliminates ARC-IC.
  • Same as current benchmark and payment calculations.
  • Use RMA as primary yield data rather than NASS.
  • ARC-CO payments based on the physical location of the farm (not FSA office).
  • No changes in crop base acres or PLC yields.
  • Current PLC prices are the minimum, could increase.
  • CCC Loan program would be same as current.
  • Cotton program will be in Title I (already approved).
  • Dairy program updates.
  • Keeps maximum payment at $125,000 per operator.
  • Keeps AGI limit at $900,000.
  • 5-year choice between PLC, ARC-CO & ARC-IC.
  • Keeps ARC-IC program.
  • Same as current benchmark and payment calculations.
  • Use RMA as primary yield data rather than NASS.
  • ARC-CO payments based on the physical location of the farm (not FSA office).
  • No changes in crop base acres or PLC yields.
  • Current PLC prices would be set for 5 years.
  • CCC Loan program would be same as current.
  • Cotton program will be in Title I (already approved).
  • Dairy program updates.
  • Keeps maximum payment at $125,000 per operator.
  • Changes AGI limit to $700,000 (3 yr. ave.)
Title II — Conservation


  • Increases CRP max. from 24 to 29 million acres.
  • 3 million CRP acres for Grassland.
  • Max. CRP rental rate at 80% of NASS County ave.
  • Phase-out the CSP program and combine with EQIP.
  • Increases CRP max. from 24 to 25 million acres.
  • 40% of CRP acres targeting water quality.
  • Max. CRP rental rate at 88.5% of NASS Co. ave.
  • Keep the Conservation Security Program (CSP).
Title IV — Nutrition


  • Would add a 20-hour per week work/training requirement to receive SNAP benefits for work-capable adults, as well as other requirements.
  • No major changes to SNAP or other programs.
Title IX — Energy
  • Eliminate the Energy Title.
  • Keeps the Energy Title.
Title XI — Crop Insurance
  • Same as current program.
  • Same as current program.
Other Programs
  • Establish Livestock Disease Program to fight pandemic diseases with $450 million in funding.
  • Establish Livestock Disease Program to fight pandemic diseases with no authorized funding.



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